Health Corner By Emily Teo

Health corner by Emily Teo aims to help and empower women through timely articles and discussions on various issues in reproductive, parenting and women's health.

Navigating the Emotional Journey of Ovarian Cancer

Dealing with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer can be an overwhelming and emotionally challenging experience for women. It is important to acknowledge and address the emotions that may arise throughout this journey.

Understand and manage these emotions (from shock and fear to confusion and anger) so that you can stabilise yourself in overcoming this sickness. Aside from the physical changes caused by the treatment, you should not underestimate the emotional impact of ovarian cancer.

Explore ways to navigate the emotional journey of ovarian cancer and gain some insights into finding support and care, including recommended women's clinics in Singapore.

The Range of Emotions

Receiving this diagnosis triggers a whirlwind of emotions. It is natural to feel shocked and upset because this news can be really difficult to process. Women may experience numbness, fear, uncertainty, confusion, anger, and guilt, too. Every person's emotional response is unique, so remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel. The key is to recognise and acknowledge them as a natural part of coming to terms with the diagnosis.

The First Steps

During your journey with ovarian cancer, the first step is to seek support to help oneself cope effectively. Gather information about the type of cancer you have and the treatment options to have a sense of control and help you make informed decisions.

The challenging thing here is absorbing information, especially during the early stages of diagnosis. Preparing a list of questions before medical appointments can be helpful. Have someone accompany you to take notes and offer support.

Remember, it is perfectly acceptable to ask doctors and nurses to explain things again if needed. Take things one step at a time and seek assistance whenever possible to cope practically and emotionally.

Engage and Express

Enhance your emotional well-being by having an open communication with the people around you. Talking to friends, relatives, and loved ones about your cancer experience can provide much-needed support. But other people may be hesitant to engage in such conversations, fearing they may say the wrong thing or overwhelm the patient further. Thus, it is important to express your desire to talk and share your feelings with those who are close to you. Trust and support can be strengthened through open communication, fostering a sense of togetherness and understanding.

Professional Support

In addition to personal networks, seeking professional support can greatly benefit your emotional well-being. Cancer information nurses, available via helplines, can offer guidance and a listening ear. They can bring in valuable information and resources to help cope with the emotional challenges of ovarian cancer. Counsellors and therapists are also available to provide a safe space for emotional expression and coping strategies.

What can Physical Changes do?

The physical changes caused by ovarian cancer and its treatment can also have a profound impact. For instance, hair loss due to chemotherapy can be distressing for many women, affecting self-esteem and body image.

Remember that the support and love from family and friends remain unwavering, regardless of your physical appearance. Openly discuss these concerns with your loved ones to alleviate feelings of self-consciousness and ensure a supportive environment.

Some Practical Concerns

Practical matters can add to the emotional burden when overcoming ovarian cancer. Financial concerns, work-related issues, childcare, and changes in daily life – all of these can be overwhelming.

Seeking consistent medical and professional support from doctors, specialist nurses, and social support services to help you with these practical challenges. Early intervention can prevent these issues from becoming stumbling blocks later on.


Your emotional journey through this challenge will require careful navigation and support. Acknowledging and addressing the emotions, seeking support from loved ones and professionals, and finding practical solutions are essential aspects of coping.

For women in Singapore, specialised women's clinics serve as a valuable resource for comprehensive care and emotional support throughout the cancer journey. Remember, every support possible is available to help you find hope and strength in this journey with ovarian cancer.